Welcome to
SolarMonitor, hosted by the Solar Physics Group, Trinity College Dublin and the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies. These pages
contain near-realtime and archived information on active regions and solar activity.
For information on our new SolarMonitor IDL Data Object (SOLMON), check out the SOLMON Tutorial. Check out News for other updates.
SolarMonitor.org Team
This web system is maintained and developed by a team of researchers in the School of Physics, Trinity College Dublin.
- Peter T. Gallagher (PI)
- Eoin Carley
- Aoife McCloskey
SolarMonitor Smart Phone Team
- Iain Billett (CS Summer Intern 2011)
- Simon Free (CS Summer Intern 2010)
- David O'Callaghan (TCD Computer Science)
SolarMonitor Alumni
- David Pérez-Suárez
- D. Shaun Bloomfield
- R. T. James McAteer
- Amy Holden (Summer Intern 2013)
- Donna Rogers-Lee (Physics Summer Intern 2010)
- Russell J. Hewett (2004-2007)
Financial Support
SolarMonitor.org is funded by ESA/PRODEX and a grant from the EC
Framework 7 Programme (HELIO). The smart phone application
has been funded by a TCD
Innovation Bursary.
Further information on SolarMonitor.org can be found in Gallagher, P. T., Moon, Y.-J., Wang, H., Solar Physics,
209, 171, (2002).
Solar Monitor Poster (2013)
Solar Monitor Poster (2011):
Providing access to Solar and Space Weather data in Near-Realtime
It would be appreciated if publications based on data downloaded from
these pages would acknowledge SolarMonitor.org and the relevant
initial data source listed below. Suggested acknowledgement: "Data
supplied courtesy of SolarMonitor.org".
- SDO Data supplied courtesy of the SDO/HMI and
SDO/AIA consortia. SDO is the first mission to be launched for
NASA's Living With a Star (LWS) Program.
- SOHO Data supplied courtesy of the SOHO/MDI and
SOHO/EIT consortia. SOHO is a project of international cooperation
between ESA and NASA.
- GONG This work utilizes magnetogram, intensity, and
farside data obtained by the Global Oscillation Network Group (GONG)
project, managed by the National Solar Observatory, which is operated
by AURA, Inc. under a cooperative agreement with the National Science
- SXI Full-disk X-ray images are supplied courtesy of
the Solar X-ray Imager (SXI) team.
- SXT Full-disk Yohkoh X-ray images are supplied courtesy
of the NASA-supported Yohkoh Legacy data Archive (YLA) at Montana State
- XRT Full-disk X-ray images are supplied courtesy of
the Hinode X-Ray Telescope (XRT) team.
- GHN Full-disk H-alpha images are supplied courtesy
of the Global High Resolution H-alpha Network (GHN) team.
- STEREO Full-disk EUVI images are supplied courtesy
of the STEREO Sun Earth Connection Coronal and Heliospheric
Investigation (SECCHI) team.
Full-disk chromaspheric magnetograms are supplied courtesy of the
Synoptic Optical Long-term Investigations of the Sun (SOLIS) team.
- NOAA Solar Region Summaries, Solar Event Lists, GOES
5-min X-rays, proton and electron data from the NOAA Space Weather
Prediction Center.
SolarMonitor.org Acknowledges the Following
The zoom function on pages with full-disk images was adapted from TJPzoom by Janos Pal Toth.