Date: Sat, 26 Jun 1999 11:39:40 -0400 (EDT)
From: Dale Gary <>
Subject: MMOC001 Target 

Max Millennium Participants,

< Please see for information on the   Max Millennium observing campaign #1 goals and participants. >

< Note: Sunday is the last day of the campaign. Thank you all   for supporting this first campaign of the Max Millennium   program. We consider the observational part of the campaign a   success--several interesting events were observed. We will   now have to work on the other goals of the campaign, which are   to forge collaborations and analyze the data. We expect to   generate a web page that lists the dates and times of coverage   of each observatory, which will also have links your web pages   for more information. Please look for an announcement to that   effect shortly. >

        Target for Sunday, June 27, 1999

        AR8598 N23E13 (heliocentric coordinates as of 0 UT 26 JUN)

Dale Gary, Neale Ranns, Dick Canfield