Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 11:43:05 -0600 (MDT)
From: Richard Canfield <>
Subject: MMOC002 Target 

The campaign "Eruptive Flares Associated with Sigmoids during WSM3" ( will continue to follow the backward-S sigmoid in AR 8668.

Coordinates of AR 8668 were approximately N22 E01 at 2400 UT on 19-Aug-99. For observers who prefer to use coordinates in arc seconds relative to disk center, Sarah Gibson has the following information: > 1400 UT August 20: x = 33", y = 264"
> 1400 UT August 21: x = 227", y = 268"
> 1400 UT August 22: x = 411", y = 278"
> 1400 UT August 23: x = 573", y = 292"
> The Meudon image for 06:33 UT Aug. 20, with crosses
> marking the projections to 1400 UT Aug 20, 21, 22, and 23
> and a 4X4 arcminute box surrounding the backwards S
> sigmoid, can be found at:

Yesterday Bill Marquette at BBSO noted displacement of the H alpha filament relative to the neutral line, which he interpreted as the result of rising motion; in the last 24 hours the southern part has faded considerably: see