Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 17:23:48 +0900
From: SXT Chief Observer <>
Subject: SXT plans for 29-31 October 1999 

Here is the SXT plan for the next few days, beginning 21:40 UT on 29-oct-99.

At 21:40 UT, 29-oct, SXT will point at the SUMER-selected target in the northeast. Pointing will be fixed at heliographic N14.7,E71.7 (SOHO/TRACE coordinates [x,y]=[-887", 221"]). The field of view will be 471" east-west by 314" north-south; this should give some context overlap with the SUMER fov and include most of the small (as yet unnumbered?) active region. Automatic exposure correction is enabled, maximum allowed exposure is set to 3.78 seconds. We will be in PFI-dominant mode until 01:03 UT, 30-oct-99, which should give us a cadence of up to one image per 12 seconds. When not in flare mode, images will be made in two filters: AL.1 and ALMG.

At 01:03 UT, 30-oct-99, SXT will return to our standard weekend operations mode: automatic region selection to follow the brightest target on the Sun. An option exists to follow the TWO brightest regions, if it is felt this will increase our chances of "coincidentally" following the same target as the JOP during the period (01:03 UT, 30-oct-99) to (22:05 UT, 31-oct-99).

Our only upload opportunity on Monday is at 22:05 UT, 31-oct-99; at that time we'll point to whatever bright target has been selected by SUMER. Ideally we would like to know the target by 09:00 UT on 30-oct, but we could in principle accept coordinates as much as 24 hours after that.

It is our understanding that initially the SUMER high TM was to last until 5-nov. Is this still the plan? SXT can support observations all week.

        SXT Chief Observers         D. McKenzie & L. Fletcher