Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2000 12:06:58 +0900 (JST)
From: SXT Chief Observer <>
Subject: FGE target 

Dave, Pietro, Brigitte,

        Since SXT cannot change pointing before 27-Jan (03:08 UT), we will leave the decision of whether to go to NOAA 8841 to you. We will continue watching NOAA 8844 at least until 27-Jan, and can continue to monitor that region afterwards if you so desire.

        An opportunity to increase the SXT cadence for a few hours is coming on 27-Jan. I will be able to devote the pointing to a single target region between 03:08-08:14 UT, and that will increase the cadence by a factor of two. Hopefully, FGE will still be flying and hopefully the extra cadence will be of some use.

        If a decision is made to point at NOAA 8841 in the southeast, SXT can make the change during either of our uplinks (barring unforseen circumstances); the times at which we could switch targets are         03:08 UT, 27-Jan         08:14 UT, 27-Jan

We would need to know the new target identification at least 90 minutes before the switch is desired.

        Best regards,         David McKenzie