Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2000 19:15:57 +0900 (JST)
From: SXT Chief Observer <>
Subject: Max Millenium Campaign #6 - some planning information 

Dear Participants in Max Millenium Campaign #6,

Here is a little bit of planning information, just so you know I am thinking about you. Our first day of observations for this campaign will be March 14th, and Yohkoh will start pointed observations at 10:28 UT. I will mail this list with the pointing for the 14th between 10 and 12 UT on the 13th. This is a general pattern for the entire week's observations - pointings for UT day N will come out between 10 and 12 UT on day N-1.

During the second week of the campaign, the times at which the pointing is sent round may shift a little, depending on the times at which we get data in here at ISAS.

We will do our best to stick with the same target for a few days rather than flare-chasing -this seems to be the best strategy, and will also allow us all to get the max amount of co-ordinated coverage.

As you all know, the main aim of this campaign is to detect an H alpha linear polarization signal during solar flares, simultaneously with other signals of chromospheric/low atmosphere beam excitations. During the first week of the campaign we have the participation of the H alpha instrument at Hawai'i, who nominally run between 17:00 and 23:00 UT (though they will try and extend for our benefit). I hope that you can all get maximum overlap of your instruments' observing times with this. During the second week of the campaign, BBSO will also participate in the H alpha polarization observations, starting a few UT hours earlier.

Just a reminder, the web page for this campaign can be found at

(I'll be updating it soon). If, after a successful campaign, you would like to do me the favor of entering information in the Max Millenium database, this can be done by going to

However, there will be additional emails about this later on.

So, good luck everyone, and thanks for your participation!

Lyndsay Fletcher (on behalf of Tom Metcalf)