Date: Wed, 09 Aug 2000 09:12:38 -0700
From: "Richard A. Shine" <>
Subject: TRACE Plan for Wednesday, 9-Aug-2000 

Times are UT and positions are in arc seconds W/E, N/S.   We will continue observing AR 9414 all day with some short interuptions (not listed below) for calibrations and a N/S synoptic (from 00:38 - 1:10 UT)

DOY 222 Wednesday, August 9 2000

00:00 - 24:00 JOP 0 C6555 AR 9414, movie, flares (x,y)=(-2, 112) with tracking 171, 1600, wl ~ 45 - 90s cadence, full context every 60 cycles

  pointing updates:

00:01:01 -2 112 06:01:01 50 102 12:01:01 93 81 18:01:01 161 111

Clear Skies