Date: Sat, 4 Aug 2001 12:23:24 -0700 (PDT)
From: Max Millennium Chief Observer <>
Subject: MM#009 Default HESSI Target 

Dear HESSI Collaborators,

NOAA 9563 (N24E17) added sunspot area and sunspot count, but is less magnetically complex. AR9563 is still capable of producing C-class events with a chance of an M-class event as well. NOAA 9566 (N18E33) also added sunspot area and count since yesterday - C-class event expected. NOAA 9557 (S21W27) grew significantly since yesterday. The sunspot group is a large "self-contained" sunspot (both polarities within a single penumbra, but, at this time, too far apart to be classified a delta configuration) C-class events are expected with the chance of high-level events if growth continues.

The position of NOAA 9557 on August 4 at 02:24 UT:

S21W27 (Solar_X = 400", Solar_Y = -419")

See for further details.

Regards, Bill Marquette BBSO/NJIT