Date: Sat, 25 Aug 2001 11:38:36 -0700 (PDT)
From: Max Millennium Chief Observer <>
Subject: Major Flare Watch 

Dear Colleagues,

At this time we are implementing Max Millennium Coordinated Observing Plan 003 (Region Likely To Produce Major Flares). NOAA 9591 developed additional complexity and sunspot area within the delta located in the intermediate portion of the sunspot group since the MM#009 message yesterday. AR9591 maintains the strong delta in the trailing portion with bright H-alpha plage located along the magnetic inversion line. AR9591 produced an X-5.3 event this morning (8/25/16:45 UT) before it was possible to evaluate the region and send this message.

The position of NOAA 9591 on August 25 at 18:00 UT: S18E31 (Solar_X = -465", Solar_Y = -386")

See for further details.


Bill Marquette and Peter Gallagher BBSO/NJIT