Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2001 10:46:57 -0700 (PDT)
From: Max Millennium Chief Observer <>
Subject: Major Flare Watch 

Dear Colleagues,

NOAA 9591 continues to decay. The possibility of new flux emergence still exists, but impossible to predict. The trailing delta configuration is weakening. NOAA 9600/9001 (N16E58/N12E63) in the NE continue to produce C- and low-level M-class events, but we will continue to follow 9591 for another day due to its past history and the possibility of a regeneration of magnetic complexity.

The position of NOAA 9591 on August 29 at 17:00 UT: S19W16 (Solar_X = 247", Solar_Y = -414")

See for further details.

Regards, Bill Marquette, BBSO/NJIT