Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2001 11:13:29 -0700 (PDT)
From: Max Millennium Chief Observer <>
Subject: MM#009 HESSI Default Target 

Dear HESSI Collaborators,

An EFR, located just east of the extensive trailing polarity plage in NOAA 9591 at S20W59, has grown rapidly today. Its magnetic inversion line is E-W instead of the usual N-S orientation. If growth continues, the region might form a delta configuration. At this time the positive polarity sunspot is slightly west of the negative polarity sunspot making it a reversed polarity region. NOAA 9591 (S21W77) is still capable of producing another M-level event before it rotates from view. This new growth nearby 9591 might regenerate 9591.

The primary target,NOAA 9601, has grown slightly and retains a complex magnetic configuration and is expected to produce another M-level event. The secondary target for today will be the EFR and AR9591.

The position of primary target, NOAA 9601, on September 3 at 17:00 UT: N14W02 (Solar_X = 032", Solar_Y = 112")

The position of NOAA 9591 on September 3 at 15:00 UT: S21W77 (Solar_X = 866", Solar_Y = -363") The EFR is located at S20W59 (Solar_X = 768", Solar_Y = -363")

See for further details.

Regards, Bill Marquette BBSO/NJIT