Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2001 10:06:15 -0700 (PDT)
From: Max Millennium Chief Observer <>
Subject: Major Flare Watch 

Dear HESSI collaborators,

NOAA 9628 and 9632 still maintain delta configurations overnight. Region 9628 also produced a long duration M1 flare at 12:13 UT today. Both regions could produce C- and M-class events, with a slight chance of an X-class flare.

The position of NOAA 9628 on 27-Sep-2001 16:00 UT:

S18 W34, (509",-383")

The position of NOAA 9632 on 27-Sep-2001 16:00 UT:

S19 W17, (264",-412")

See for further details.


Peter Gallagher and Bill Marquette, BBSO/NJIT.