Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2001 07:28:29 -0800 (PST)
From: Max Millennium Chief Observer <>
Subject: MM#009 Default HESSI Target 

Dear HESSI collaborators,

NOAA 9715 has maintained a strong delta configuration and has continued to grow in size and complexity. Yesterday, the region produced an M6.9 at 16:35 UT which was most likely associated with a partial halo CME first seen in LASCO/C2 at 17:06 UT. The region also produced an M5.5 at 10:36 UT today and is expected to produce further C- and M-class events with a chance for an isolated X.

The position of NOAA 9715 on 29-Nov-2001 15:00 UT is:

N05 E08, (-135",67")

See for further details.


Peter Gallagher Emergent IT/NASA GSFC