Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2002 10:40:44 -0500 (EST)
From: Max Millennium Chief Observer <>
Subject: MM#009 Default HESSI Target 

Dear RHESSI collaborators,

The beta-gamma-delta regiont NOAA 9885 continues in growth phase and has produced several large C-class events and most probably today's M3.4, although this has not been confirmed as yet. The region contains numerous strong concentrations of opposite polarity in its interior and is expected to continue to produce C- and M-class events with a chance for an X.

The position of NOAA 9885 on 30-Mar-2002 15:00 UT is:

N12E35, ( -541", 288" )

See for further details.


Peter Gallagher, L-3 Com Analytics Corp/NASA GSFC.