Short Term Aurora Forecast for
Tuesday, November 30, 2010 23:51:49 GMT

LOW Activity
GEDDS ForecastCurrent NOAA POES Data
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Time of prediction: Tuesday, November 30, 2010 22:45 GMT*
Predicted Kp: 1.67
Lead-time for prediction: 66.8 minutes
Forecast: Auroral activity will be low. Weather permitting, low-level displays will be visible overhead in Barrow, Alaska, Tromsø, Norway and Tiksi, Russia, and visible low on the northern horizon from as far south as Winnipeg, Canada, Trondheim, Norway, and Igarka, Russia.
* Alaska Daylight Time (AKDT) is 8 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) or Universal Time (UT). Alaska Standard Time (AKST) is 9 hours behind GMT or UT.