Subject: MM#009 Default Target" -->
Date: Sun, 7 Jun 2020 10:50:13 -0700

MM#009 Default Target
Dear Collaborators,
Target region NOAA 2765 is now decaying after increasing its spot count and area yesterday. The intermediate and trailing portions of its C-type/beta sunspot group is significantly losing sunspot area. The filament located along the region's main magnetic inversion line continues to be active. 2765 was the source of numerous A-class events and four B-class events in the past 24 hour period. The largest event was a B1.6 at 06/07/05:14 UT. A- anb B-class events probable and there is still a slight chance of an isolated C-class event in the next 24 hours.
The position of NOAA 2765 on June 07 at 10:00 UT is: S24E28 (Solar X =-407", Solar Y = -388")
See for images and for a description of the current Max Millennium Observing Plan.
Bill Marquette (Helio Research) Received on Sun Jun 07 2020 - 11:50:39 MDT