Subject: MM#003 Major Flare Watch" -
Date: Fri, 7 May 2021 22:03:08 +0100

Dear Collaborators,
The level of solar activity is medium-to-high. The magnetic flux region that had begun rotating over the North East limb yesterday now displays a mature leading spot with penumbra and a small opposite-polarity spot slightly South East of the main spot (but with disconnected penumbrae, so not a delta configuration). This region is expected to be designated as NOAA 12822 at the end of the UT day and it has continued to produce B-class flares since the last message as well as an M3.9 on 7-May-2021 at 18:43 UT. At this point the Max Millennium Program prematurely ends its support of the Parker Solar Probe 8th perihelion passage and moves straight into an MM#003 Major Flare Watch due to the region's potential to produce an M5 or greater flare. C-class flare activity is expected in the next 24 hours, with a good chance for another M-class flare.
The approximate position of this region on 7-May-2021 at 21:00 UT is:
N18E74 , ( -870", 308" )
See for images and for a description of the current Max Millennium Observing Plan.
Shaun Bloomfield (Northumbria University) Received on Fri May 07 2021 - 15:03:35 MDT