Open Calendar
1 May 2010
20100430 Week Rotation Today Rotation Week 20100502

Subject: MM#009 Default HESSI Target
Date: Sat, 1 May 2010 08:36:21 -0700


MM#009 Default HESSI Target

Dear RHESSI Collaborators,

A new region near the northeastern limb was the source of two B-class events and two C-class events. The C-class events were a C2.2 at 04/30/19:34 UT and a C5.7 at 05/01/01:39 UT. The region is still too close to the limb to ascertain its magnetic configuration. There is only one small spot visible in white light images at this time. B-class events expected with a chance of another C-class event today.

The position of the target region on May 01 at 06:00 UT is: N25E75 (Solar X = -835", Solar Y = 418")

See for images and for a description of the current Max Millennium Observing Plan.


Bill Marquette (Helio Research) Received on Sat May 01 2010 - 09:36:25 MDT