18 June 2012
20120617 Week Rotation Today Rotation Week 20120619

Subject: MM#009 Default HESSI Target
Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2012 11:34:49 +0100


Dear RHESSI Collaborators,

Target region NOAA 11504 appears to be in decay phase with losing a number of spots, while its reclassification to the less complex beta/E-type sunspot group designation may be partly related to its rotation towards the solar limb. This region has produced several C-class events since yesterday's message, with the largest being a C3.9 flare on 17-Jun-2012 at 17:36 UT. Further C-class activity is expected in the next 24 hours, with a small chance for an isolated M-class event.

The position of NOAA 11504 on 18-Jun-2012 at 10:30 UT is:

S17W45, ( 637", -293" )

See http://www.SolarMonitor.org for images and http://solar.physics.montana.edu/max_millennium/ops/observing.shtml for a description of the current Max Millennium Observing Plan.


Shaun Bloomfield (Trinity College Dublin) Received on Mon Jun 18 2012 - 04:35:01 MDT