31 December 2017
20171230 Week Rotation Today Rotation Week 20180101

Subject: MM#009 Default HESSI Target
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2017 15:12:01 +0000

Dear RHESSI Collaborators,
Solar activity continues at very low levels. The small compact region in the northeast quadrant has remained quiescent and unnumbered. The underlying bipolar plage shall remain the target region with no increase in activity expected over the next 24 hours.
The approximate position of the target region on 31-Dec-2017 at 14:30 UT is:
N15E49, ( -711", 285" )
See http://www.SolarMonitor.org for images and http://solar.physics.montana.edu/max_millennium/ops/observing.shtml for a description of the current Max Millennium Observing Plan.
Ryan Milligan (University of Glasgow) Received on Sun Dec 31 2017 - 08:12:12 MST