Open Calendar
19 December 2023
20231218 Week Rotation Today Rotation Week 20231220

Dear Collaborators,
Solar activity has remained at an intermediate level since the last message. NOAA 13514 produced a further twelve C-class flares since the last message, the largest being a C8.4 at 13:19 UT yesterday. The Major Flare Watch will be extended for a further 24 hours, with a slight chance for a partially occulted M-class flare as NOAA 13514 continues its transit beyond the northwest limb. The approximate position of NOAA 13514 on 17-Dec-2023 at 13:00 UT is: N5W89, (971", 85") See for images and for a description of the current Max Millennium Observing Plan. Regards, Harry Greatorex (Queen's University Belfast)