29-Nov-2011 New SolarMonitor Launch at the Eighth European Space Weather Week. Available now from the mobile too!
31-May-2011 Web-developer job offer to work with Skytek and SolarMonitor.org
20-May-2010 Proba2/SWAP has been added to the front page of SolarMonitor, and a tutorial for the new SWAP data object is available here. (P. Higgins).
26-May-2009 Zoom function added to full disk images. New six panel instruments page added, including STEREO A 195 Å, STEREO B 195 Å, Solis chromospheric magnetograms, and GONG farside magnetograms (P. Higgins).
17-Oct-2008 SolarMonitor hosting moved to the Astrophysics Research Group (ARG) at Trinity College Dublin. SOLMON Object and Tutorial Advertised on front page (P. Higgins).
24-Nov-2004 Arm 2.0 is live. Arm 1.0 can still be found at http://www.solarmonitor.org/yyyymmdd. (R. Hewett)
03-Aug-2004 Arm 2.0beta online for testing purposes. Things may not work right until it is fully live. (R. Hewett)
23-Jun-2004 ARM mirror site now running at the Korean Astronomy Observatory - http://sun.kao.re.kr/arm/ (Thanks to Dr. Yong-Jae Moon and colleagues!).
11-Jun-2004 Added fulldisk slideshow (P. Gallagher).
17-May-2004 Added capability to go back and forward one week and one rotation (P. Gallagher).
15-Jan-2004 Added clickable zooms to full-disk images (P. Gallagher).
10-Jan-2004 Added EIT 304 and 171 Å (P. Gallagher).
05-Aug-2003 RHESSI observing interval plots added (P. Gallagher).
30-May-2003 ARM now hosted at the SDAC (P. Gallagher).
24-Mar-2003 Added GOES-12 SXI images (P. Gallagher).
03-Aug-2002 Made GOES proton and electron data available (P. Gallagher).
27-Mar-2002 Solar events from Sam Freeland's last_events list added (P. Gallagher).
27-Feb-2002 Added dynamic GOES X-rays plots (P. Gallagher).
11-Feb-2002 Updated flare probabilities to use Poisson statistics (P. Gallagher).
19-Feb-2002 Replaced Yohkoh/SXT images with EIT FeXV (28.4 nm) (P. Gallagher).
09-Oct-2001 Added Max Millennium motd ticker (P. Gallagher).
04-Aug-2001 Magnetic gradient maps added (P. Gallagher).
02-Aug-2001 Added GONG+ full-disk magnetograms (P. Gallagher).
18-Jul-2001 Added GOES 5-minute X-ray data (P. Gallagher).
03-Jul-2001 Full-disk Yohkoh SXT data included (P. Gallagher).
25-Jun-2001 Search engine and archiving system added (P. Gallagher).
02-Jun-2001 Modified flare prediction to use McIntosh classifications (P. Gallagher).
20-Feb-2001 Flare prediction software completed (P. Gallagher).
04-Feb-2001 ARM launched on web (P. Gallagher).